Sunday, February 22, 2009



Irene said...

Oh Laura, that looks delicious. Did you use real California goat cheese? There are a couple of good cheese makers up north. Man, you have me drooling and I did have dinner. I guess that's the whole point of Sundays, isn't it? To treat yourself well, especially when it comes to food.

Breakfast in California said...

Yes, real California goat cheese. I love the way it melts, and it tastes so good with mushrooms. Sunday is a good day for special breakfasts.

Irene said...

I adore California goat cheese in many dishes. It was used a lot in restaurants in Northern California. I had it in all kinds of ways, but I admit that I liked it in hot dishes the best. But it is also good in salads.

Breakfast in California said...

We liked the French goat cheese we found, do you have it in your markets? It was a bit dryer than California goat cheese, but very tasty. We weren't so excited about Spanish goat cheese, which was hard, at least what we found.

Irene said...

The Exfactor used to buy a large supply of soft goat cheese every time we were in France, because he could not get it here at that price. I never liked it as much as the California one. Dutch goat cheese is hard, you have to slice it with a cheese slicer. I like other soft French cheeses very much. I adore Brie and Camembert. The Exfactor used to guard his soft cheeses carefully.

Breakfast in California said...

Dutch goat cheese sounds like Spanish goat cheese. I wonder why they don't make it softer?