Friday, December 25, 2009

Still waiting...

It's Christmas night, nearly into the 26th, and it was a quiet and lovely day. We are still sick, still sniffling, but our fevers are gone and so is most of the aching that flu brings. We woke to a quiet house, no one was stirring because no one was here except for the two of us. This is the first Christmas morning we have not spent with our children under our roof. They are really no longer children, grown and out into the world, with roofs of their own, but they've come home each year for Christmas as a family. This year, of course, we told them not to come. Although I missed them, we would feel so guilty if any of them got sick. This flu is one present we don't want to pass on. I wish we knew how it came to us.

We had a nice breakfast with a baked pineapple french toast dish that I'd put together last night. Throughout the day friends and family called to wish us well, and we read and watched TV and slept. We had more ham. We will be revisiting the ham for quite a while, I believe, but the cranberry salad is nearly gone. I can make more. There is nothing better than the taste of ham with my grandma's cranberry salad.

We are waiting for recovery and for what the next few days may bring, with patient hearts and lots of tissue. Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

Irene said...

There's nothing as good as revisited ham. I could certainly eat my fill of that. I haven't met my match in baked ham yet. I'm sure it doesn't taste half as good when you're plugged up with the sniffles, though. You need a cleared up nose to really appreciate it. I hope you're both well enough again soon to appreciate everything in life to its fullest and that you will wave this Mexican flu goodbye forever. Maybe you can celebrate Easter really well and pull out all the stops and bake a really nice ham or roast then. It is very considerate of you not to spread your germs around, apparently not everyone was as considerate.

Stay warm and cozy!